The Mom

Pregnancy Workout #1

I’m 39 weeks pregnant! It’s about time I film some pregnancy workout videos for you, right?! Well, I figure it’s better late than never, and I’m happy to spread the fitness love. Important things to note:

  • You have universal permission to take each part of the workout at your own level, to stop to rest, to go slower, to take a drink of water, so have a seat, etc. This is YOUR workout and needs to meet your needs.
  • Please listen to your body when following any workout regimen. If you feel more than just a muscle pain (especially if the pain comes from a joint), stop immediately. No workout is worth injuring yourself over.
  • Consult your doctor before starting any fitness program.
  • If you’re looking for an established pregnancy/prenatal group fitness program, find a FIT4MOM near you. The programs Fit4Baby and/or Stroller Strides are geared toward you. If you’re in Colorado, check-out FIT4MOM Front Range.

Warming up your muscles prior to working them out is essential to reducing the risk of injury. Please don’t skip the warm-up! Other added benefits of warming up include getting you in the mood to workout, focusing your mind on form, and it burning extra calories! This warm-up is the same for all of our pregnancy workouts.

And, your first workout! Enjoy, and remember to take it at your own pace.

Finish with some easy stretching.

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